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Archive for January, 2012

Friday Night Lights

I would like this shirt very much. Please buy it for me.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

10 blogs

I’m currently an unpaid intern at a magazine, and they asked me nicely (I’m not getting paid, so it had to be nicely) to put together a list of blogs that their readers would enjoy.

1. Ape to Gentlemenhttp://www.apetogentleman.com/about/

An English Grooming, Fashion & Lifestyle blog dedicated to assisting the well groomed modern-day gent. Contributions come from all corners of the Internet; starting with experts and the brands themselves, to their own expert take on various sartorial trends, grooming issues, news and products (both new and old) on the market.

2. Aziz Ansari – http://www.azizisbored.tumblr.com/

Charming comedian and hipster slacker in NBC comedy Parks and Recreation; Aziz Ansari is currently on top of the comedy world. His Tumblr page offers his hilarious take on pop-culture, music, topical events and anything else he’s dabbling in.

3. Gas 2.0 – http://gas2.org/

Is your environmental conscience getting in the way of your love for cars? Gas 2.0 caters to those interested in biofuel, electric cars and green technology. Posts range from reviews and reports on the emergence of clean sustainable motor sports championships, to photos of a 600-horsepower, natural gas-powered hotrod.

4. Aussie Beer Blog – http://aussiebeerblog.blogspot.com/

This Blogspot will make you a regular at any pub. Revolving around all beers (Australian and international) available in the country, posts range from reviews, industry news, and beer porn. If you’re serious about your beer, this is the blog for you.

5. The Noise Network – http://www.noise11.com/

The Noise Network generates music news and interview content faster than anyone else on the Internet. If something’s happening in the music industry, you’ll find it here first. They might clog up your Twitter and Facebook feed, but you’ll never be out of the loop.

6.  A Daily Dose of Architecture – http://archidose.blogspot.com

From the author of Guide to Contemporary New York Architecture, comes a daily Blogspot that offers reviews/design/imagery/and architecture porn, all based out of New York City. A must read for design nerds.

7. View From The Sidelines – http://www.viewfromthesidelines.com/

A Tumblr page offering the ‘back-story’ on sport and the larger-than-life characters that exist within its realms. Stories range from Mike Tyson’s rooftop sanctuary and his love for Pigeons, to the link between Albert Einstein and the number on Dennis Rodman’s Detroit Pistons’ jersey.

8. The Next Web ‘TNW’ – http://thenextweb.com

The Next Web is at the forefront of the changing dynamic of cultural consumption. With over 5 million monthly viewers ‘TNW’ reports on social media, technology trends, news, and anything else that’s emerging on the Internet. Daily stories include the link between Facebook and the amount of people that voted in the last American Presidential election.

9. AutoExtremist – http://www.autoextremist.com/

Run by Peter M. De Lorenzo – the author of Witch Hunt and The United States of Toyota, ‘AutoExtremist’ delivers up-to-date posts, reviews, and discussion about all aspects of the auto industry. Luckily for the readers, the content definitely outweighs the awful Courier New font used throughout the page.

10.  The Vine ‘Best of the Interwebs’ – http://thevine.com.au/blog/

The Internet is full of some incredible things. Luckily, they’re all located nicely in this blog. All the ‘viral’ pictures, stories, and videos doing the rounds and earning their creators 15 minutes of fame can be found here. If you ever find yourself with too much time on your hands, look no further.