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I wanna buy you something, but I don’t have any money.

There’s something about being dead broke that carries a sense of romance to it. Maybe it’s all the books and movies I’ve attached myself to that feature young, idealistic characters on the grind, trying to make a go of life by living day to day and not being weighed down by the stress, pressure, and responsibility that is associated with having money.

Maybe it’s due to a bunch of the figures and icons that I look up to, all having periods in their lives when they were broke, chasing their dreams and having a great time doing it that made me think it would be this incredible time when I would find a magical new form of creativity that wouldn’t be limited to my financial situation.

Well, after experiencing having no cash I can tell you it fucking sucks.

It’s also in no way romantic. It may have once been romantic to be chasing a goal and living on the grind, hussling around, making memories with the little you had. But fast forward to the current-day equivalent – being broke and on the grind equals you trying to find place that you can steal Wi-Fi off, long enough to send some emails, update your Twitter account, and to download the new iPhone update.

Suck central.

It does not.

Basically what I’m trying to say is if you could lend me some money, it would be fantastic. Over the past 20 years I’ve taken to eating, and to be honest, I quite enjoy it. In fact, it’s probably one of the most important parts of my life.

Please donate.

BSB: 06 5432

AC: 1054 9826

Thanks, I look forward to eating again.

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