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Increased calls for tighter boarder protection as genuine fears of Australia being ‘swamped’ by Good Charlotte surface.

Sam Taunton, December 19, Canberra.

Calls are being echoed around the country today for the tightening of border security and a restriction on foreign immigration. The calls, first started by National’s Senator, Barnaby Joyce, have surprisingly been backed by The Greens and both major parties, with the focus around the increasing Australian presence of American punk rock group, ‘Good Charlotte’. Good Charlotte, fronted by brothers Benji and Joel Madden, have resided in Australia for the past 12-months where they have featured as judges on singing television programs, performed nation-wide tours, invaded local bowling clubs’ blowing greens, and struck up sponsorships deals with many public brands – including a prominent chicken restaurant/franchise that advertises heavily on Australian television during the summer sporting season.

Madden Bros

Destroying the values this country was built on.

Whist border control is hotly contested issue in federal politics, it is rare for all parties to agree on a consensus regarding the flow of overseas visitors into the country. Whilst some on Twitter and social media have drawn comparisons from Senator Joyce’s remarks to Pauline Hanson’s famous claim of  “we are in danger of being swamped by Asians”, many, if not the majority have supported the notion. Twitter account ‘@aussiepride69’ tweeted: “about time these bloody yanks wif der tats piss off!!!! destroying the aussie way of life!!!!” whilst ‘@tonystoptheboats’ tweeted: “at the rate we’re going, kids won’t be singing the national anthem at schools anymore – they’ll be singing the songs these tattooed clowns produce. Stop the boats! Save Australia!”

Prime Minister, Julia Gillard also threw her full support behind Senator Joyce’s comments, stating “this is a serious issue affecting all hard-working Australia families. For starters, we don’t even know how many Madden brothers are out there; we have to break the cycle before the numbers increase. We can’t have a true Australian game like Lawn Bowls being jeopardized by some tattooed clowns who think swinging around on a chair when they hear someone sing is a talent!”

Opposition leader Tony Abbott maintained his usual political persona and was quoted as saying “I haven’t actually read the report, or heard Mr. Joyce’s comments…also, what’s a ‘Good Charlotte’”?

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also commented on the saga, saying if interested, “he would happily welcome the Madden brother’s support for his campaign in his Queensland seat of Griffith”, whilst also firmly stating that his “full support remains behind the Prime Minister”.

Treasurer Wayne Swan has commented saying he “enjoys the music of Bruce Springsteen”.

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