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Help me become a Vajazzle Jockey.

So you know how in my last post I was all like, “Blahh, I didn’t get through Channel [V]’s Presenter Search because I kept going on about how Seal is so charismatic and brilliant?” Well, it turns out Channel [V] ALSO think Seal’s charismatic and brilliant and put me through to the top 20.

I know. They obviously don’t know what they’re getting themselves into. But still, here’s the thing. If you vote for me you could win $5000 and I could fluke my way into the top 4.

That’s right. It’s like the greatest reality show ever. Firstly you don’t actually have to watch me annoy you on your screens, and secondly you could win cash. Cold hard cash!

Actually it’s probably not cold. Most likely a bank transfer if anything. I don’t know the exact details, but I don’t think they’d send you an envelope with 5 grand cash in it; we’ve all heard the rumours about Australia Post. Well, everyone except my  Dad. He still believes the postal service is the most effective and safest way to transfer money.

He doesn’t trust the internet. Thinks it will ‘swallow’ his cash.

What a guy.

Anyway, here’s the link so you can vote for me – http://presentersearch.vmusic.com.au/vote.aspx?id=sam-taunton

And here’s a bunch of individuals that we all regret voting for.


I’m really horrible at job interviews.

I made a silly video for the Channel V presenter search. There’s a huge chance I won’t get it. Mainly because I addressed none of the required criteria in my video.


Donald Glover.

Donald Glover is the coolest guy in the world. Not only does he write, act and do stand-up, he also raps and produces music under the name ‘Childish Gambino’.
